Free Bookkeeping Quizzes & Games - Learn Bookkeeping & Accounting For Free |

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Free Bookkeeping Quizzes & Games

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I know your're not a dunce, so prove it to me !

These free bookkeeping and accounting quizzes, games, and exams are also included in my bookkeeping tutorials. The accounting tests and games cover introductory bookkeeping and accounting concepts and are provided for those wanting exams to test their accounting and bookkeeping knowlege and skills.

All Good Things Come to an End

Unfortunately Flash by Adobe is going the way of the dinosaur by year end 2020 -becoming extinct. This is the software that I used to create my games.

This created a lot of additional work for me. I had to convert all my quizzes and games to the "ole" fashion quizzes. You can access them with the following links:

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