Free Online Accounting and Bookkeeping Courses - Learn Bookkeeping For Free |

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Bookkeeping Made Easy

Bean Counter
Free Accounting & Bookkeeping Tutorials & Courses
You don't need to be a rocket scientist to learn bookkeeping and accounting !
Welcome to Bean Counter's  online  Accounting and Bookkeeping Courses including Beginning Bookkeeping Courses, Tutorials, Lessons, Tests, Exams, Exercises, Quizzes, Lectures, Games, and Guides. Did I mention, the online accounting courses are free ? Online beginning accounting and bookkeeping training, help and guidance is on the way, and no you don't have to be a rocket scientist to learn the basics of accounting and  bookkeeping!  Although my free interactive online beginning bookkeeping and accounting tutorials and courses are slanted to the United States, the basics of bookkeeping and accounting are the same regardless of where you are located. We just have different currencies, the dollar, pound, yen, and so forth. So, individuals from other countries can also benefit and be helped by my free online beginning accounting and bookkeeping lessons. Just mentally substitute your currency symbol anywhere that I've used the US Dollar Sign ($).
About Me
What qualifies me to guide you in learning bookkeeping and accounting ?

What's This Site About ?
In a nutshell, my site Bean Counter is primarily an accounting and bookkeeping educational and training site that teaches beginning bookkeeping basics using free beginning bookkeeping and accounting tutorials, courses, exams, tests, quizzes, and lectures with a dose of humor injected.

Don't let the cartoons fool ya! This site is all business; but, it doesn't hurt to have a few laughs and smiles included.

The focus of this educational, teaching,  and learning site is on learning double entry bookkeeping and accounting. If you want to learn about basic bookkeeping or how to do bookkeeping, you've come to the right place to find the bookkeeping and accounting courses, tutorials, training, lessons, guidance, and help that you need to learn the basics of beginning bookkeeping and accounting.

Site Tour
If you're anything like me and consider your time precious, when I do a search for a topic and go to a site I want to quickly determine if the site has any useful information, products, tools, etc. that will benefit me and be worth my time to browse.

Watch MY Site Tour Video to quickly determine if my site might provide the bookkeeping and accounting courses, training and help you need.

Types of Free Accounting Help & Guidance Provided:
  • Bookkeeping Skills Testing & Certifications
  • Accounting & Bookkeeping Glossary
  • Additional Sites Providing Accounting Help
  • Job Searches
  • Bookkeeping Video Lectures
  • Accounting Questions & Answers

  • Accounting & Bookkeeping Tutorials
  • Accounting & Bookkeeping Courses
  • Accounting & Bookkeeping Guides
  • Accounting & Bookkeeping Textbooks
  • Accounting & Bookkeeping "Cheat" Sheets
  • Bookkeeping Quizzes and Exams
  • Individual & Small Business Taxes

Free Bookkeeping Help
Is the Site Really Free ?
On my site Free means Free. Unlike many other sites, there is no paid membership area or registration required and you have full access to all my online bookkeeping courses, lessons, video lectures, games, and quizzes. Of course I'd be grateful for a donation or an ebook purchase of my tutorials to help support my site; but, neither is required to access all my online accounting courses and materials. That's a decision left strictly up to you.
Bean Counter

What's a Bean Counter ?
For those of you that don't know, the term bean counter is slang for a bookkeeper or accountant.

What is accounting and bookkeeping ?
Watch my short video presentation about accounting and bookkeeping.
Accounting is the art of analyzing, recording, summarizing, reporting, reviewing, and interpreting financial information.

Bookkeeping is one of the components of accounting. Think of accounting as the mom and bookkeeping as one of her children. Bookkeeping is the process of recording and classifying business or personal financial transactions into a usable form that provides financial information about a business or individual.
Bookkeeping Job Description

What does a Bookkeeper Do ?
Watch my short Videos to learn about what a bookkeeper does.

My Bookkeeping Tutorials & Courses

For those that want to or need to explore and learn the basics of bookkeeping,  I've provided My Bookkeeping Tutorials and Courses to get you started.

Get on the bus if you need to learn the basics of bookkeeping and accounting.
Bookkeeping School Bus
Owners, Managers, Teachers, and Students
Who Benefits From My Courses ?
So exactly who can benefit from my bookkeeping and accounting courses ? Almost anyone associated with business or education and yes you can teach an ole dog new tricks.

  • Individuals Responsible for Employee Training
The accounting courses provide individuals responsible for accounting and bookkeeping training bookkeeping guides and material that can be used as an additional tool used to help educate their employees about the basics of bookkeeping and accounting. OJT (On The Job Training) is fine; but, it doesn't hurt to provide some additional material to aid in providing employees with the bookkeeping and accounting knowledge necessary in order to properly perform their assigned bookkeeping tasks.

  • Individuals Needing Accounting and Bookkeeping Software Help
Good accounting and bookkeeping software help to simplify, automate, and speed up the bookkeeping process. In this day and age, I recommend that even small businesses use accounting software. That being said, some time does have to be invested in order to learn how to properly use the software. While, the good programs actually don't require a lot of accounting and bookkeeping knowledge, it's still beneficial for those that use the programs to also invest a little time to learn the basics of bookkeeping.

  • Anyone Wanting or Needing to Learn The Basics Of Accounting
Whether your preparing for a new job, just need a quick refresher, or have other reasons to learn about the basics of bookkeeping, this course is for you !
  • Owners and Managers
Owners and managers of small businesses who either need a quick review (refresher courses) or who need to learn the basics from the ground up. You don't actually have to do the bookkeeping but you do need to at least be familiar with the terminology and what's involved so that you can intelligently analyze and discuss your financial situation with your bookkeeper, accountant, banker, etc. In addition, you'll also be able to prevent being "snowed" by your bookkeeper.

  • Students
Students, high school or above, taking bookkeeping or accounting courses and having a difficult time grasping the concepts and material or understanding the instructor or teacher.

  • Teachers and Educators
Teachers and Educators who are looking for additional bookkeeping and accounting guides and material to compliment the lessons from their accounting textbooks and lectures.

  • Bookkeepers and Office Staff
Bookkeepers and others currently performing accounting and bookkeeping tasks who need a refresher course or need to learn the whys of what they are doing.

  • Small Business Help Organizations
Many organizations, national as well as local, such as SCORE and others want small business owners to succeed and provide free consultation, tools, and other information to help. If your'e one of these organizations, consider utilizing my site as one of your tools by providing a link to my site.

Bookkeeping Questions

Viewing and Taking The Accounting and Bookkeeping Courses

I promise to try not to bore you or put you to sleep.To view or take any of the accounting and bookkeeping courses just select the course from the main menu or click on the links to the tutorials provided throughout my site.

What Accounting and Bookkeeping Tutorials Should I Take and In What Order ?

It depends. Boy, I copped out on that answer didn't I ? Well it really does, because to properly answer the question depends on what you already know about bookkeeping and accounting and why you need or want to take the tutorial(s).
  • Beginners
For true beginners (newbies) , you should begin with the the Introductory Bookkeeping Course - So, you want to learn Bookkeeping!. I also recommend that after completing the introductory bookkeeping lessons, that you add to and reinforce the accounting and bookkeeping knowledge that you've acquired by taking the - So, you want to learn Bookkeeping! - Chart Of Accounts and Special Journals tutorials. These three tutorials should provide you with a good basic understanding of bookkeeping and accounting and the records used. If you're using bookkeeping or accounting software (which I hope most businesses are) , it will also enlighten you as to what is actually taking place behind the scenes when you are entering data.

The other four accounting courses, Financial Statements Analysis, Inventory, Payroll, and Cash can be taken in any order that you want and depend on you. If you work with or need to know about financial statements - take the Financial Statements Analysis Course. If you work with or need to know about inventories - take the Inventory Course. If you work with payroll or need to learn about the government's laws and regulations - take the Payroll Course. Lastly, I do recommend that everyone take the Cash Course since cash along with profits are major keys to the success or failure of a business. The Cash Course also provides you with a free Cash Forecasting Template.
  • Owners and Managers
Owners and managers need to begin with the Introductory Bookkeeping Course, and in addition take the Financial Statements Analysis and Cash Courses. These three courses will at least give you a "working knowledge" of accounting and bookkeeping concepts, financial statements,  and also show you why cash is critical to the success of a business. While the other courses are optional, I recommend at least browsing thru the additional courses.

  • Students
For those taking bookkeeping and accounting courses, select the tutorials that will provide you with a review of what you've studied in class.

  • Others
If you just need a bookkeeping or accounting refresher course, skim thru the Introductory and Special Journals Tutorials and select any of the other bookkeeping courses that you want or need to bone up on.

Bean Counter's Free Online Accounting and Bookkeeping Tutorials
My free So, you want to learn Bookkeeping! Introductory Bookkeeping Course introduces you to beginning bookkeeping and my style of presenting information. In other words, this online bookkeeping course is designed for beginners (newbies) and provides an introduction into the world of accounting. This tutorial can also be used as a quick bookkeeping refresher course for those wanting to brush up on their bookkeeping basics. Topics covered include accounting and bookkeeping terms, the accounting equation, double entry bookkeeping, debits and credits, business transactions, general ledger and journals, financial statements, and more.
What's Improved ?

  • Broke the Lessons down into segments (more manageable "bites")
  • Better Menu System
  • Removed some Interactive Links in some tables that might have been a little bit confusing
  • Added Videos to emphasize key concepts
  • More Mobile Friendly

Additional Free Bookkeeping Tutorials
In addition to my Introductory Bookkeeping Tutorial, I've written some additional accounting and bookkeeping courses for those of you wanting or needing some additional bookkeeping and accounting education. If you need to expand your bookkeeping knowledge, you need to check out these additional free accounting and bookkeeping tutorials. Additional accounting and bookkeeping topics covered include cash, chart of accounts, special journals, inventory, and payroll.

The financial statements analysis tutorial and course discusses and reviews how to determine if a business is "healthy" or not. Topics covered include: Basic Bookkeeping - Horizontal & Verical Analysis - Ratios - Aging Reports - Cash Forecasts - Budgets

The cash tutorial and course discusses and reviews the different journals, records, documents, and forms used to record and keep up with the cash coming in and going out of a business. Sample journals, records, and forms are illustrated and discussed to show you what journals, records, and forms to use and how to use them. Additional topics include bank reconciliations, cash controls, and cash forecast projections and budgets.

The chart of accounts tutorial and course defines, explains, and discusses what the chart of accounts is, how it's organized by major account types, balance sheet and income statement accounts, and its purpose. In addition, codes are introduced and defined.

The special journals tutorial and course introduces and explains what records are required to properly record and classify business transactions. Records discussed and explained include the General Ledger, Control Accounts, Special Journals, and Subsidiary Ledgers.

The payroll tutorial and course provides an introduction and overview of payroll and the laws, rules, regulations, forms, records, and calculations that small business owners and/or their employees responsible for payroll need to be familiar with.

My bookkeeping and accounting tutorial site also provides free bookkeeping and accounting tests and quizzes.

The inventory tutorial and course provides an overview of inventories and their importance, and the special journals and records used to record and control this key asset. In addition inventory methods, perpetual and periodic, and costing methods and procedures are discussed and illustrated.

These free bookkeeping and accounting video lectures and presentations help to reinforce your knowledge and understanding of beginning bookkeeping and accounting topics.
Even More Free Bookkeeping Courses

Computer Accounting and Bookkeeping
This computer bookkeeping tutorial and course is geared to business owners, managers, and individuals who need or want to learn the basics of accounting and bookkeeping software (apps). Oh by the way, you can teach an "ole" dog new tricks. They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Well, my goal is to make you dangerous.

Financial Accounting Basics
Learn the basics of Financial Accounting with this Classroom Lecture Course compliments of Professor Alldredge. The course content is composed of accounting videos and transcripts. A Final Exam tests how well you were paying attention in "class".

Cost Accounting Basics
Cost Accounting is an often overlooked area of accounting for small businesses. Why ? If a business does not know the cost of their products or services they may end of pricing their products or services at a price that does not provide a reasonable profit. A sure way to go out of business ! Learn the basics of Costl Accounting with this Classroom Lecture Course compliments of Professor Alldredge. The course content is composed of accounting videos and transcripts. Final Exams test how well you were paying attention in "class".

Bookkeeping Explained
Like explaining what makes a car run (the engine), this course is designed to show you what makes bookkeeping "run". The accounting course is made up of an Introduction to Bookkeeping Video along with four videos that explain basic accounting and bookkeeping concepts and the accompanying PDF Versions that you can download and follow along with the bookkeeping videos.You can download the PDF version for each Section or download the Complete PDF Textbook. In addition, you can also download the "Power Point" Slideshows to view with Microsoft Office if you have this software or you can download the free Libre Office to view the Slideshows.

Bookkeeping Basics
Double Entry Accounting provides small businesses and individuals wanting to learn the basics of bookkeeping and accounting. Notice I said basics. The site is designed for those that don't want or need time consuming drawn out accounting and bookkeeping courses or tutorials and just want or need to become familiar with bookkeeping and accounting. In other words, a working knowledge. Don't worry, I didn't forget those needing more than the basics. I've provided links to my sister bookkeeping sites that have more in depth free accounting courses, tutorials, and tests.

New Course
Learn to do by doing ! Not Free but reasonable !

An accounting and bookkeeping practice set is the best way for students to learn the practical skills essential to accounting by completing a one month accounting cycle for a fictional business.
Baldy’s Barber Shop bookkeeping practice set course was made to provide the accounting and bookkeeping student with an overview of how the manual concepts taught in an introductory accounting course can be applied to a manual and computerized accounting system. In addition, the practice set illustrates the benefits of using a computerized accounting system.

Baldy's Barber Shop is a three-way accounting practice set that includes both a manual version for completion in writing, a Microsoft® Excel or Libre Office Spreadsheet version, and a Manager Accounting Software computerized accounting software version.

Students undertaking the manual version first will achieve an understanding of the accounting process (accounting cycle), the Spreadsheet Version illustrates the benefits of using computer applications as an aid in bookkeeping, and the Manager Accounting Software version introduces students to a general business accounting package and the benefits gained from their use.

Accounting & Bookkeeping Quick Insights
In a hurry and like the movie "Stripes" with Bill Murray just want the facts Jack ? Well these bookkeeping videos provides a quick way to learn some basic bookkeeping and accounting concepts.

Accounting & Bookkeeping Questions Answered
Needing to find an answer to an accounting or bookkeeping question ? Questions like what are the types of accounts, debits and credits, and financial statements ?
Check out my Artificial Intelligence and get your questions answered.
Free Accounting Course

Purchase Tutorials Option
While all the same materials included in my Accounting and Bookkeeping Courses are presented for free online, I do offer my Courses and Ebook Versions for those who want to study offline, print out a hardcopy, and also acquire a handy accounting reference book.
Your purchase  benefits us both. A good "deal" is when everyone wins. You win by getting an excellent introductory accounting and bookkeeping reference and I win by getting funds to help support development of additional accounting and bookkeeping tutorials and lessons.

Also, I'm not asking for an arm and a leg or your firstborn.

Teacher's Special (Also Individuals)
Unlike other Courses and Ebooks, this is a one time fee that allows the purchaser to make as many copies as they need to distribute to students with no additional fees required as long as the materials are used for educational purposes.

Courses and Ebook Versions available!
Why Buy My Tutorials ?
As I stated earlier, all the materials included in my Accounting and Bookkeeping Courses and Ebooks are presented for free online; but, a purchase while not required would be appreciated !

For a little fun watch my video Why Buy ?

What Others Say About My Site
Although it's sometimes necessary to toot your own horn, it's a whole lot better when others toot it for ya. My site provides a bunch of useful information, training, and help about beginning accounting and bookkeeping, even if I do say so myself.

Don't believe me ?

I am a tired and retired small business consultant. The biggest problem I faced was that business owners didn't understand anything about their accounting. The worst part is they were too embarrassed to admit it. Your work is some of the best I have seen to explain it simply and comprehensively. Even a professional could learn a thing or two by studying your work. Congratulations and continue the terrific work.

Dick Medvedz


Your website is quite incredible!  I've spent about 10 years in publishing, developing accounting content.  I TRULY appreciate the time that you've put into it!  

Instructor, Accounting
Hi, Dave

I wanted to personally thank you for putting together this excellent resource on the introduction to accounting and bookkeeping. Clearly you’ve invested a tremendous amount of time thinking about and developing the content.  I really liked your cartoons (they make fantastic top-level bullet points). As a start-up business owner I feel it’s absolutely critical to understand the basics of accounting and bookkeeping in order to build a sustainable business; I did not go to business school, but having spent the time to review and understand your material will help me build a better business. Your site has given me some excellent insight into the accrual method and how it is superior to the cash method, in terms of detailing the actual current financial state of the business; excellent example between cash method and accrual method (false income/expense reporting with cash method).

I will be supporting your efforts!

Jonathan Yaffe

Bookmark and Add My Bookkeeping Site To Your Favorites
In a hurry or pressed for time ? I realize you're a busy person so why not add my bookkeeping site to your favorites and browse my site as your time permits.
Bookkeeping and Accounting Tidbits

Subscribe To Or Watch My YouTube Accounting Videos

Accounting Lectures
For some bookkeeping lectures injected with a little humor check out  Professor Bean Counter's
What Do You Know About Accounting
Terms ?
What's an asset ? What's a liability ? What's equity ? What's revenue ?
What's an expense ? What's a balance sheet ? What's an income statement ?

What Do You Know About Accounting ?
Wanting to check out how qualified you are for a bookkeeping job or just test your bookkeeping knowledge ?

Additional Free Accounting Help

Need additional Accounting Help ? Check out my sister sites  

I've tried to provide you with links to some additional excellent free accounting and bookkeeping training.

Thinking About A Career In Bookkeeping and Accounting ?
Explore the types of bookkeeping and accounting positions available and the necessary requirements.

Accounting and Bookkeeping Humor
Well they say an apple a day keeps the doctor away-well a few bookkeeping and accounting jokes can't hurt.

Free Stuff
I don't want you leaving my site empty handed !

My Tool Box
I've often been asked what tools do I use for creating my websites, videos, tests,  and my bookkeeping tutorials.

Get Your Free Chart Of Accounts Ebook
Thanks for visiting my site-get your free ebook

Contact Me
Need to get in touch with me ? Contact Me

Accounting and Bookkeeping Jobs
Not needing a full-time employee but looking for a bookkeeper or an accountant for a special project ?
See if Freelancer might provide some help.

For additional help and guides to finding a bookkeeping job or hiring a bookkeeper check out.

Needing To Certify Your Bookkeeping and Accounting Skills ?
For those needing certification of their accounting, bookkeeping, and computer skills, the following sites may be helpful.

Support My Site
If you consider my site useful and you have a quality business related site consider becoming an advertiser and/or affiliate and make a few dollars promoting my accounting tutorials. Notice I said a few dollars - you won't get rich. Other ways you can help are buy my tutorials or a recommended product, link to my site, or make a donation.

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Copyright © Bean Counter

Cartoons on this site provided by Ron Leishman. All Toon images are copyright © . No images may be resold or redistributed without prior written permission from Ron Leishman. If you enjoyed them, get some of your own Toon-A-Day.

Disclaimer & Site Policies

The information provided on this site is not intended to provide or be a substitute for specific individualized accounting, tax, legal, business, or investment planning advice. Where specific advice is necessary or appropriate, Bean Counter recommends consultation with a qualified tax advisor, CPA, Financial Planner or Investment Manager. The information provided herein is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered an individualized recommendation, personalized investment advice or an endorsement by Bean Counter. The information presented is obtained from what are considered reliable sources; however, its accuracy, completeness or reliability cannot be guaranteed and therefore should not be relied upon as such. Bean Counter accepts no liability for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this information.

Bean Counter and their affiliated parties make no representation regarding sites that you might access from this site and are not liable for any damages that you incur from their use.

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