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Bookkeeping References

Tooting My Own Horn

Although it's sometimes necessary to toot your own horn, it's a whole lot better
when others toot it for ya.

I appreciate all of the following kind notes (no pun intended).
A sample of some of the nice notes I have received.

Dear, teacher David W. Marshall

First would like to say: Thank you very much for your time in developing your site !
Educating people is one of the nobel things in the world. I'm from Kazakhstan, found your site in Internet long time ago (approximately 2010-2011), that time my english wasn't well, and would not have strong motivation to learn bookkeeping in English. I'm bookkeeper too. Now, am decided to immigrate to Canada (there are some programs for immigration wich have an excellent conditions), and I have a clear purpose. Studied some of your free tutorials, going to practice using your "Baldy's Barber Shop accounting and bookkeeping practice set". Teacher David, for me your site is two in one, I can learn not only bookkeeping; but,  improve my English.

Hope I'll be one of the best students. Thank you very much!

Kind regards,

Nazipa PS. my English is still Kazakh-Russian

Hi, Dave

I wanted to personally thank you for putting together this excellent resource on the introduction to accounting and bookkeeping. Clearly you’ve invested a tremendous amount of time thinking about and developing the content… I really liked your cartoons (they make fantastic top-level bullet points).

As a start-up business owner I feel it’s absolutely critical to understand the basics of accounting and bookkeeping in order to build a sustainable business; I did not go to business school, but having spent the time to review and understand your material will help me build a better business. Your site has given me some excellent insight into the accrual method and how it is superior to the cash method, in terms of detailing the actual current financial state of the business; excellent example between cash method and accrual method (false income/expense reporting with cash method).

I will be supporting your efforts!


Jonathan Yaffe


I am a tired and retired small business consultant. The biggest problem I faced was that business owners didn't understand anything about their accounting. The worst part is they were too embarrassed to admit it. Your work is some of the best I have seen to explain it simply and comprehensively. Even a professional could learn a thing or two by studying your work. Congratulations and continue the terrific work.

Dick Medvedz

Dear Dave

Awesome site! Every once in a while I find a little treasure on the 'net...and your site is one. I am sitting in my office, having had a good chuckle from your joke section and youtube introduction. I am also thinking that I really appreciate the time and effort you put into your creation...especially the humour.

Thanks, Jane


I just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying these lessons. I am responsible for QuickBooks at the business where I am employed. I have been using Revenue, Draws, and Expenses in QuickBooks. I have not used Owner's Equity, Assets, Liabilities, etc. and I feel like I am missing some important accounting steps. From what I see here, I may be right. I have only read through lesson 3 but I am catching on quickly. Thanks for the easy to use/understand lessons. You are my hero!

Lou Barth


Your site is awesome , I love it, very informative

Evelyn Lope

Dear Dave,

I can't tell you how long it's been since I enjoyed visiting a website so much. I was looking for some freebie bookkeeping tips (college accounting was five years ago and I haven't used it since!). I found exactly what I needed on your website and MORE. Everything is extremely well-written with good use of white space, and graphics that compliment your personality and set a positive mood.

I will be recommending your site to friends and acquaintances who might be able to use your services, and I will be contacting you as my Avon and child care consulting businesses grow.

If you ever need a testimonial for your site, I'm your girl!
Kelly Lee

Hi David,

I found you by stumbling across your website (Bean Counter). I am impressed with the wealth of information that you've put together. I am a compulsive information consumer, so I was absolutely in heaven when I found your website. Thank you for all your hard work in putting this together and thank you for your generosity in sharing it with everyone. It is not often that a business that creates a website to advertise itself, would also choose to give away so much information (e.g., detailed introductory lessons to accounting, links to very cool free downloads, other highly informative websites), without making the consumer buy something from him first. Your method of introducing yourself on the internet indicates that you are knowledgeable, resourceful, and trustworthy as a business.

Allison Shiu

Hi Dave,

I am a CPA who is helping out a recent MBA grad to brush-up on his bookkeeping skills. Apparently, current college courses don't do a very good job teaching the basics. Anyway, I think your site does a terrific job explaining some pretty complex concepts in a way that's relatively easy to understand.

Thanks for your helpful site!

Hello Humble Bean Counter

My story: I am adult student at the local university. I attend at night to try to get my BBA degree and well, you know, all that goes with that. So I have to take Principles of Accounting. Unfortuneately my instructor is lacking. His idea of covering the two most important chapters of the book, all about credits and debits, was to read the chapter headings and send us home. I am wondering about how much trouble I am in since it seems to make no sense at all. So I google it and I ended up here at

As a result of studying here, reading the tutes, and taking the quizzes, my first test: 99. Judging by the reactions of the other students when they received their grades, I am pretty sure it was by far the highest grade in the class . WooT!

Thanks rock.


I am a professor in a college in Northern Kentucky.
I teach entrepreneurship, new venture creation, new venture finance, and most recently an overview of accounting for undergraduate students. I taught the class last fall, and will teach it again this summer.

While researching content for the class, I came across your website, and referred students to it as a self-paced method of improving their bookkeeping and accounting knowledge. I used Wayne Label's book "Accounting for Non-Accountants" for the class, and although it had its good points, I found it left a considerable amount to be desired. Long story short, I signed a book contract with Sentia Publishing in Texas to write a book to be used in future classes.

Although the publisher will work with me to secure permissions for content, I would like to get a read on your willingness to either grant permission to use some content from your website or if you would agree to permit me to include links and introductory material that would drive students to your website.

Please let me know your thoughts.

Kind Regards,

Of course John got my permission!

Hey there!

I just wanted to thank you for putting together your wonderful site. I have learned a ton. The lessons are nicely paced, informative, easy to understand and very effective learning tools. I have done many of the tutorials so far and plan to do the rest in the coming weeks.
I especially appreciate that there was no cost and that everything was at my own pace. I am a credentialed teacher in the San Diego, California area and I know a good teacher when I see one!

Please, keep up the excellent work!

Have a great day!


I've just opened you bookkeeping website, and I want to say to this layman it looks terrific. I'm getting interviewed tomorrow for a job where some bookkeeping knowledge may be required, and the libraries being closed for the long weekend, I desperately searched the web, and your site is absolutely the ticket. Thanks so much for putting out the energy thought and effort to provide such an orderly, logical and easily understood account.

Yours sincerely

Dear Mr.Right, (I mean Mr.Bean Counter:),

I have been looking for you all my life- well, half of it anyway:) so why didn't I meet you before???! :( Never mind, now that I've found you (rather, your site) I shall recommend it to all and sundry. I left accounting college many moons ago and while my career went down a completely different stream, I still couldn't stand to hear my older sibling (also an accountant) rubbing salt onto my wounds, that "I would never muster up the aptitude or interest needed to become an accountant." Now, thanks to your site and the resources in it, I am happy to say our sisterly squabbles have finally ended:) - yours truly won ;)!

Thanks again for what must be years of work, months of designing, weeks of planning, days of hard work and countless minutes of selfless giving.
-P.C, Atlanta.

Hi Dave,

I just passed the first test towards becoming a certified bookkeeper and I wanted to thank you for your great online course. You are a wonderful teacher! Your basic bookkeeping courses really gave me a solid foundation.

Looking forward to spending some more time on your website doing Payroll.

With thanks,
Judy Fine


I just stumbled on your site looking for how to explain Bookkeeping to a friend. You do a wonderful job and I am now on my way over to her house to get her started and advise her to follow your tutorials. You have just what she is going to need. After she has the basics we can work on the program she is using.

Thank you so much I do bookkeeping but am not very good and passing my thoughts on to other people. I just get the work done.
Betty Campbell

Dear Mr. David,

I was searching the accounting topics on internet and had come across this website Its really a cool place to understand the core concepts in easier way even if you already have the background in the subject. Nice work really, you are doing an excellent job to share your life experiences.

Islamabad, Pakistan

Dear David,

I just wanted to say thank you for providing those amazing tutorials. I always used to shun accounting because of the books I had read previously - they were dry, technical and made it all seem excruciatingly boring (not a great way to motivate the beginner!). I found your website by coincidence (I think typing something like "easy and best accounting tutorials" into Google) and spend my free time for a week reading them, appreciating the humour (who knew beancounting and humour could mix) and doing the quizzes.

So: Thank you very much from a fan in the UK!

Kind regards,


Just bumped into this site and I love it! bean counter where were you when i was taking my accounting class? I am currently working with SAP Financial (some kind of accounting software) and i got so confused and googled something in accounting and here you are! just excellent



I greatly appreciate your efforts to present bookkeeping and accounting in a simple and fun format. I just completed the Intro online course, and it was a blast! I have tried other sites but have been confused by them or they just did not have enough organized info/tables like you did.
Thank you so much for establishing this site, I will be happily refer people to check this out.

Megan C


Thank you for the great materials that you have made available for free online. They have been very useful to me and my students. They especially like the games of course!


Dear Dave - (Oh Mighty, but Humble Tutor!).

Please allow us to express our abundant thanks for your tutorials.
My wife was so thrilled that she decided to change her notion that "nothing in life is free", all thanks to you.

Winston Doyle


Your site is very creative and fun. I really enjoy visiting it. Thank you for all of your hard work and creative energy you have put into this site that you easily could charge for, but don't.

Thank you, thank you, thank you,
Brandy Walsh


I am really enjoying your website. It's just what I need and the tone and graphics are actually making it fun
to learn about bookkeeping!

Joan Martinez

Hi, Dave,

I teach accounting, geared towards training bookkeepers - not typically CPA's in the making - and came across your website while trying to update mine for tutorials for the students. Because of the nature of my program, I rarely have tutors, nor do I have students who are willing to spend time with me (or ask me for it) to help them. I think your site can really help those who are afraid to ask for it, for the extra help they need in Small Business Acctg I & II, and even payroll!

Thanks again!
Lori Jacobson

Dear Mr. Marshall,

I just found your bookkeeping tutorials and I wanted to tell you ...I LOVE YOU! I've been doing bookkeeping for 15 years but I kind of got into by accident (I have a degree in English and History for pity's sake!) so while I kind of know what I'm doing, I don't really know how to talk about what I'm doing. I work for a small non-profit society in Vancouver, Canada and it is the first time I've had to deal with the audit process and your tutorials have given me the confidence to know how to talk to our accountant and know that I'm doing things the right way.

We use Quickbooks Pro and I've just completed a course in that and was dreading a bookkeeping course -- your tutorials allowed me to fill in the gaps in my understanding without sitting through another dry, dusty course.

Thank you so much for taking what must have been a great deal of time to write these tutorials in a way that everyone can understand.

Wishing you and yours the best, thanks again.

Kerry Porth
Office Manager


You were so helpful when I needed help (either last month or the month before). Where do I send a check;? I want your website to always 'be there.'

Anita Shower


I love your website. I have learning issues and this hit the nail on the head. Thanks for your time in creating a funfilled learning environment.



Quite by accident, today I found your web site - and, just had to write and tell you it is totally delightful! Years ago I taught Accounting at the college level, then spent about 10 years in a staff accounting position at a university, and now I'm back in the college classroom. "First-thing" in my next Accounting Principles I class this coming Friday, I'll be giving them the URL for your website. I truly think your free tutorial about the basics of bookkeeping (debits, credits, etc.) will be both entertaining and informative for them.

Thank-you for all your work and your sense of humor in presenting the information. (You'd probably love my "bean-counter" Halloween costumer!)
I'm still "scratching my head" in terms of figuring out how you make any money from all of this. But, I'm just glad you're doing what you're doing.

Thanks again!
Carolyn Conn

Hey Dave,

I am Ashish from Singapore working as a junior IT consultant. I just graduated (UK) in July and joined this IT consulting company. I have 2 master's degrees but sadly both in IT fields. I found your tutorials very useful I should say and your teaching style in particular was a very enjoyable experience. I loved the flash screen about 'flinging the teacher', lol I got it right the first time! As an IT consultant dealing with implementation and support of ERPs, I needed accounting knowledge and I found your web site that provided 'free' tutorials.

I just want to thank you for making this possible and hopefully when I start making serious money I will definitely make a 'sizable' contribution to your site.



I found you website and it's wonderful! I've been working for years setting up small business in QuickBooks and was looking for a source of information written in plain English, and today found you.

Judy Kerr

Dear Sir,

Firstly please accept my heart felt thanks for your web site and its contents. Your website is extremely good.
After going through the tutorials, I feel you should advertise your self on the Yahoo front page. This will help children all over the world who find it difficult to attend tution classes in Book keeping and accountancy.

I very much appreciate your sincere hard work in reaching out to various masses of people and I strongly believe that you will accomplish your vision in meeting one's heart desire to learn accounting.

God bless you abundantly.

With profound regards,
Franklin Ross


I just stumbled upon your website and immediately can tell I'll be visiting it often. I have a basic understanding of accounting, but your lessons will prove to be very valuable in a gaining comprehensive detailed knowledge, and a great resource.

I'm so glad you put this information together.
Renee Carey


I have have been in contact with Phoenix Online and they charge $12,000 for a bachelor's degree and it takes 15 months. I bet, you could sell some sort of bookkeeping certificate for a lot less.
I'd be willing to pay!

Jennifer Sanchez

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