Fixed Assets
Manager Setup > Starting Balances

Fixed Assets Starting Balances
When migrating to Manager from a prior accounting system, fixed assets must be carried forward at their book values from the previous system. This is accomplished in Manager in two steps:
- Create the fixed asset.
- Enter starting balance for purchase cost
These steps can be accomplished separately, or they can be combined into a single operation as the asset is being created. There is no difference in the final results. I prefer entering starting balances for all accounts at one time. That's just my personal preference.
Before you can enter any transaction related to a fixed asset, the fixed asset itself must be created in Manager. If the Fixed Assets tab has not already been enabled, and the fixed asset(s) have not been entered follow the instructions for creating fixed assets.
When migrating fixed assets:
Go to the Fixed Assets tab
- Click Edit for the asset you are migrating
- Enter Acquisition cost in the Starting balance field
Note: Starting Balance for Accumulated Depreciation is entered using the Depreciation Tab
These amounts should be the closing balances for equivalent figures from your old accounting system.
When migrating many fixed assets, consider using batch operations to accomplish the steps described above.