Computer Course Description - BC Bookkeeping Tutorials|

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So, you want to learn Bookkeeping !
Computer Accounting
Hello it's Dave again. For those of you that took my free So you want to learn Bookkeeping! Introductory Tutorial or any of my other bookkeeping tutorials we've already met. For those who haven't, I'm a graduate of the University of Tennessee (Go Vols) and a Bean Counter (accountant) with over 30 years of experience.

Don't let the cartoons fool ya! This tutorial is all business; but, it doesn't hurt to have a few laughs and smiles included.

Who is this Course for ?
This computer bookkeeping tutorial and course is geared to business owners, managers, and individuals who need or want to learn the basics of accounting and bookkeeping software (apps). Oh by the way, you can teach an "ole" dog new tricks. They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Well, my goal is to make you dangerous.
Prior Knowledge Needed
  • How to operate a computer
  • How to use a mouse and keyboard
  • Basics of your computer operating system - Windows/Mac
  • How to select and run programs (apps)

Not absolutely necessary but some basic bookkeeping and accounting knowledge would be helpful. See my Intoductory and Special Journals tutorials.
What’s Covered ?
Just like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, we don't want too much information or too little. We want just the right amount. That's what I aim to do ! No,in this course you won't learn how to assemble or repair a computer or how to write computer programs. What you will learn is what's involved in setting up and using a computerized accounting system.

We'll use a car as an analogy. You don't need to know what makes a car run; but, you do need to learn how to drive it. The same applies to accounting software. You don't need to know how it works; but, you do need to learn how to use it.
In the first sections of the tutorial, we'll learn about bookkeeping and computers and then in the later sections, we will use Manager Accounting, a free accounting program, to illustrate what's involved in setting up and using accounting software. Believe it or not it's not that hard ! Basically, you just need to learn where to go to perform the various bookkeeping tasks using a menu and how to enter the needed information in the provided forms/templates. You also need to learn where to go (queries and reports) to view or print the financial information needed by your business.
I'm not going to reinvent the wheel. I've used the Manager Guides and added my own tidbits in some instances for additional clarification.

While not absolutely necessary, I recommend downloading and installing Manager Accounting to practice the sections discussed and explained.

This Computer Accounting Tutorial is Organized By Sections

Below are links to the different sections.

These sections introduces you to accounts and what tasks a bookkeeper performs.

These sections discuss a manual and computerized accounting system, present a brief history of computers, and discuss accounting software and what's involved in setting it up.

These sections discuss and explain Manager's features, the available versions, and the guides and help provided.

Section 4 Manager Setup
These sections explain how to add and backup a business and the steps to follow for setting up the Manager software.

These sections discuss and explain the infrequent tasks that the Settings Tab is used for such as setting up and maintaining a chart of accounts

These sections explain how Manager uses tabs (modules) to perform the various accounting tasks needed by a business.  

These Sections discuss and explain how to set up a business's beginning balance sheet accounts.

In these sections we revisit Manager's Tabs. We will review, discuss, and provide examples for the following:
  • Tab Screen Listings that display information and allow users to add, edit, delete, view, clone, copy to, and print information and transactions.
  • Tab Form Defaults that allow users to set default values for fields for form templates.
  • Tab Tasks that allow the user to enter, change, view, print, prepare reports, and process business transactions.
  • Tab Functions that allow the user to batch view, batch create, batch update, batch delete, copy to clipboard, and set form defaults.

These sections discuss and provide example of reports supplied by Manager and the ability to create custom reports.

Section 10 Final Review
These sections provide a refresher of what we covered in this tutorial, some tips on how to use Manager, and final exams to see what information "stuck" to your brain cells.
Don't worry, nobody sees the results except you.

Section 11 Terms/Glossaries
Glossaries provided with definitions of computer terms ans terms used in Manager.

These sections tell you how to supports my site, get my help, and contact me.

Learning Objectives
After completing this course, you should know or be able to perform the following:
  • How the computer has evolved and became a tool in our lives
  • What is a computerized accounting and bookkeeping system
  • Why computerized Accounting and Bookkeeping is a good choice
  • A basic knowledge of computers and computerized accounting software
  • The "ingredients" such as menus and forms that make a computerized system work
  • Basic skills needed for entering accounting information into a computerized accounting system
  • An understanding of accounting and business records and reports
  • A working knowledge of The Manager Accounting Software
The Vertical Menu on the Left Side Of The Page contains Sections for Each Lesson.
In some cases, you may need to Scroll Down the Page to select the Section/Lesson.

Each Section/Lesson has Buttons at the Bottom of the Page to use for Moving Back to Prior Lessons / Sections and Moving Forward to the Next Lesson/ Section.

Some Lessons/Sections also have links to related information.

Browser Arrow Keys can also be used to move forward and back.

This Home Page (Course Description) also provides links to the beginning of the different sections contained in this tutorial.

Manager Images
Some Manager images of screens are a little small (not my fault that's just the way they are. In many cases, I split the displays into two larger images to help out.

How Long ?
You should plan on spending approximately a 1/2 hour on each lesson.
Videos and Final Exams
Video Reviews are included in some Sections/Lessons and Final Exams are included at the end of the course to review and emphasize key concepts and test your knowledge.

My Help
I'm available to help anyone wanting to use my services to help them set up the Manager Accounting System. Although my site is free, unfortunately I'm not.
I am reasonable though ! Contact me to work out the details and a price.

Lesson Review

Let's begin our Journey into the World Of Computer Accounting !
Copyright © Bean Counter

Cartoons on this site provided by Ron Leishman. All Toon images are copyright © . No images may be resold or redistributed without prior written permission from Ron Leishman. If you enjoyed them, get some of your own Toon-A-Day.

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